
Is your reaction to exotics entering the clinic to reach for the metacam and baytril? Or to point to the new graduate vet who’s “keen”?

Don’t worry we’ve all been there, and you’ve been among vets that believe the old Baytril-metacam combo will knock all exotics disease flat.
Rabbits get sick? Lets hop them in and out of the clinic!
Guinea pig not eating? Make it Hay-day, not may-day.
You can change your approach to exotics and learn how to benefit from the rising amount of exotic pets walking through your clinic door.
Exotics Vets is run by one enthusiastic general practitioner veterinarian, who believes that you should be the best exotics vet possible.
The goal of Exotics Vets is to improve the standard of care among general practitioner veterinarians in Australia, designed by vets to teach vets to treat these tiny creatures.